Saturday, September 22, 2007

Time to Blogg

When I started this blog back in June - I had every intention of blogging regularly. Well as you can see that hasn't happened. My plan is to make my entries regular from now on. Life's great at the moment. I have decided that I need to go back to paid work. So I've started my midwifery practice again. You can find out more about this on my website I am so excited - with the first birth as an independent midwife I'll be attending due in around 2 weeks or so. I've also decided to go back to working in a hospital on a casual basis. This way I'll touch base with different health professionals, have access to the education available in such a facility, have a positive impact on women access public maternity care and also hopefully enact some change with my fellow midwives. I'm really excited at the possibility of being involved in change within the health system.

I'm also working on another business idea selling Craft Robo machines - but more on this later. As I'd said life's good and excited about the future.

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