If only midwives could see birth as it truly is - most never have the privilege of being present at such a birth. All midwives have their initial practical experience in the hospital system - which, on the most part, is quite medicalised. Time limits are placed on labour, birth is managed in a prescribed format and intervention rates are high. For example in 2005 the average caesarean rate for New South Wales was 28% (the range for different hospitals ranges from 15.8% for Bankstown-Lidcome to a high of 46.8% for Kareena Private in South Eastern Sydney).
Giving birth at home is a safe option - but is often see unfoundedly as being risky and only for hippies. However research across the word smashes these myths on homebirth - homebirth is safe with a skilled midwife and access to medical care should this become necessary. Of women seeking my care 80% gave birth in their chosen birth place. Of the other 20% - 6% gave birth vaginally and the remaining 14% had a caesarean birth. My clientele is not always low risk - as I believe all women benefit from having midwifery care. The type of women seeking a homebirth come from many and varied walks of life - and many are from the so called middle class.
Claire has given me permission to share this photos which gives you a glimpse into her wonderful journey and welcoming her new baby.

1 comment:
Hello i have just came by your blog, what a wonderful experience and pictures. A homebirth is my dream and i have finally made up my mind to go for it with (not yet conceived) child 3
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